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Sign Up to Volunteer!!!

Attention Parents: CHISD requires that EVERY YEAR, all parents must complete the application to volunteer on campus or to attend field trips.  Don't wait, sign up on-line today!

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your information under Create A Volunteer Account (or login to account if you already have one)
  3. Click My Applications and complete the Volunteer Application Form in full, every year. Please select the box to consent to a criminal records check.
  4. After you have been approved, you will receive an email with the Subject: Congratulations!  Your recent volunteer application for Cedar Hill ISD has been cleared.
  5. In order to enter the school as a volunteer, you MUST ‘Become a Fan’ of Plummer!!! This is the only way the school can see that you’re approved to volunteer. Complete the following steps:

CLICK HERE to sign up on-line today!!!