Sign Up to Volunteer!!!
Attention Parents: CHISD requires that EVERY YEAR, all parents must complete the application to volunteer on campus or to attend field trips. Don't wait, sign up on-line today!
- Go to
- Enter your information under Create A Volunteer Account (or login to account if you already have one)
- Click My Applications and complete the Volunteer Application Form in full, every year. Please select the box to consent to a criminal records check.
- After you have been approved, you will receive an email with the Subject: Congratulations! Your recent volunteer application for Cedar Hill ISD has been cleared.
- In order to enter the school as a volunteer, you MUST ‘Become a Fan’ of Plummer!!! This is the only way the school can see that you’re approved to volunteer. Complete the following steps:
- Log in to your account at
- Click Schools and click on Plummer Elementary
- Click on green box to “become a fan”